I feel like this blog post deserves a “goofy rena warning label” before you read on. It is very early in the morning and I have had very little sleep and I’m a wee bit goofy. I can see myself scrapping this in the morning.
The countdown is now at 4 days…ish to Pennsic! (Technically since it’s 2am Thursday morning and we are leaving Monday or Tues o.O;) The studio is completely packed full of camping supplies, tents, tarps, food, clothes, etc etc. If I’ve mentioned the studio looking like a war zone before — I really mean it right now =X! My brother leaves Friday morning with my friend Joanna. (She’s Jzino of Jzino Bodyart which I use quite often for graphic and bodypaint needs… and also a new makeup artist in training!)
I will be gone August 2-15ish with extremely limited internet access. I will respond to any messages as soon as I return!
So anywho, Weee! The boyfriend has been off on a mission so I’ve had a week with the house to myself =D (sort of)! Lots of music blasting, Singing at the top of my lungs (Someone should come join me in Karaoke so I can drive my brother insane. j/k. ^^;), dancing in circles around my sitting room (getting ready for bellydancing at pennsic!), and best of all, my own bed with lots of space to stretch across! …Sort of. I still have Six kitties that seem to like to pile up around mommy at night o_o;
Dave drove down to Florida to visit family so I’ve been catching up like the busy little bee I am. I was going to post images of me hanging out with an old friend of mine, Keith, who is in the service and was here for a week to visit. I haven’t seen forever, but Dave took the camera card with him. Punk.
Dave starts his 16+ hour drive home… *looks at laptop clock* now…?ish?
So far I’ve finished retouching over 50 images for two magazines! I’ve also hunted down 150 or so of my favorite images off my many many terabytes of hard drive space and resized them to send to PPA! The images will be shown in my part of “The Ignition” presentation at Imaging USA this year! You should totally be in Texas this year. Have you seen the line up so far? Not to mention me =D (a shameless little plug… !) I still have one magazine submission left to retouch (*crosses fingers I can narrow them and retouch before vacation* ) I will announce them all as soon as they have been published! I’ve also finished a few images from a couple of my own personal projects… Some that I’ve been sitting on for several years. It’s such an artistic relief to see your finished product finally posted on the interweb.
Anyway, serious question. Has anyone had any experience with the Mytouch Slide vs the Samsung Vibrant. I’ve had a t-mobile sidekick for 3 or 4 years now and I really seriously need and upgrade. The poor thing is falling apart. I’ve heard technical pros and cons about both but I want to hear what real people have to say.
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