Grungy Wet look with Kelly: South Jersey Boudoir

December 7, 2012

If you follow me on facebook, you’ve probably seen the sneak peaks i’ve been posting of a super sexy shower shoot. Not all women are interested in this grungy style, but it’s one of my favorite to photograph and one I would love to do more of! Today i’ll introduce you to Kelly, the woman in those sneak peaks! I met Kelly at the Salon Fabrojae makeup event that I did back in September and was so excited when she called to come in for a full session!

Before I post photos, I have to say that Kelly has the most stunning eyes. You’ll see below – but what is amazing is that I didn’t touch those eyes. No photoshop. They really are that white and the color really does glow that much. Between those eyes and her long, dark, sultry hair, she’s got the perfect rocker vixen look. We did a few looks that were soft before going into the darker looks, but the darker definitely fit her perfectly!!

























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