Pennsic 39 (and 40?)! Or not =X!

August 18, 2011

Well then, going back through my blogspot drafts I noticed a post that I never made!
This is how it began:
OK, so I promised I would post up from pictures from my vacation! I have to admit, I sort of left my camera in it’s bag most of the time….. I needed a break from work =P My friend Katie took a TON of pictures though! So between hers and mine I think we have a good variety to tell the story. I will only post a few here, but the rest are all on my FB page Here:
More of an explanation of what Pennsic is, you can read here:
Well, a whole year has passed since I attempted to start this post… and I never did post Katie’s photos… Alas, this year Dave and I made the hard decision to not go to Pennsic. This would be the third time, I believe, in my entire life that I did not make it to Pennsic. (And it was 40, too!) 
I guess now that everyone is home, I should officially explain myself as to why we made the hard decision to not return to our beloved medieval home… Dave and I just got a house =)! 
I know I have been seemingly distant and terrible at posting up new blogs and new photos on facebook lately, but reason is because I’m just keeping up with all the work for my clients while cleaning, painting, moving etc! I have TONS of new stuff to share that I have been working on recently, and tons of new clients that have given me permission to share their photos! There will also be photos of our new home posted very soon — so be patient! It’s absolutely lovely and I can’t wait to show everyone!
So in memory of last year and missing this year, I’m going to post up some thumbnails of photos that never made it to the blog last year. I miss my Pennsic Family and hopefully I will return next year!
Besides, I guess there’s always 50 ;D!
Me and Dave =D
Dave’s working on making sheathes for his new knives!

What the heck is Doug doing in the background >_>?

Camp! Dave’s makin’ om nom noms =D

Joanna’s Henna!
Katie Bug and Eric working on other leather stuffas!

I wouldn’t even ask =X
The boys were keeping themselves entertained by keeping the people on the road entertained while Joanna was Body painting us for the Mardi Gras Party!

Dave bought me a pretty for my birthday last year!
It poured so badly the night before we decided to leave the main poles in out tent broke!! Seriously – even duct tape couldn’t fix this one (Holy cow! >_>)
Speaking of Rain, have you seen the disaster that’s struck our town? My family didn’t make it to Pennsic so the Pennsic storms decided to follow my friends home =X My basement tried to become a swimming pool and for many others, it did! Joanna made a really great blog post – but check out the damage – roads are gone, water is up to car windows… It’s insane – and in South Jersey!?

And last but not least — this is what my hair turns into when I take it out of the braids =X Don’t forget to check out the rest of the photos at the link at the top of the page!
  1. Unlucky says:

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