I’m a huge big fan of the Professional Photographer’s of America print competition that they hold every year. You can submit up to 4 images (or albums) and they judge each image based on it’s own account vs most competitions that judge one image against another. The competition forces me to really take a look at my work and push to become a better artist. If your images Merit, they go towards earning your PPA Masters Degree. You also have a chance once your image merits to be judged for the International Traveling Loan Collection. If your image “goes loan” you get an additional merit for the print and it is displayed at different traveling exhibits and is published in their Loan collection book! I have had the honor of having two of my images make loan in the last two years!
Well, the results are finally in =)! I took a risk this year and submitted a few images, including an album for the first time that I wasn’t sure about! I received Merits for three out of four of the images I submitted this year! I have 9 out of the 13 print competition merits needed to get my Masters! Next year my goal is to get those last 4 needed! Wish me luck!
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