The Proposal

April 3, 2011

You know how they say Amazing things come to those who wait?
I think i’ve experienced one of the happiest days of my entire life. 
No, happy isn’t even the right word – Happy doesn’t even come close to how I’m feeling right now. 
Bliss. A state of intoxicating Euphoria.
Words can’t explain this feeling that’s swept me off my feet. I’ve never felt so wonderful in my life.

Butterflies start fluttering — the good ones. The ones that make you quiver – ones that start in your heart instead of your stomach. Butterflies that spread out, cascading like a river through out your body then radiating energy, releasing into a glowing aura that follows everywhere you go. Your pulse starts to race, your eyes and nose start to burn as tears start to build up, and then your breath is stolen for but a moment. Your heart skips a beat.

My hands shake as I type, I bite my lip –  Elation overflows. 
I’m speechless.
I’m in a surreal dream land.
I can’t believe it’s real. 
 Who knew we would come so far? After everything we’ve been through – all the changes in our lives – the ups and the downs… figuring out who we were and what we wanted, that the boy I connected with the moment I laid eyes on,   was drawn to like a magnet, and fell in love with the moment we spoke, was the man I am going to marry. 
Dave proposed on our 5 year anniversary, March 29th, 2011.
 I have no idea where to start – I can’t seem to put this feeling into text – I just know I am completely taken by it every time I think about the day. I’m sure i’m driving my parents (and friends) crazy talking about it non-stop. I can’t help but smile this huge grin every time I drift off – which is constantly. My eyes and nose burn as the day washes over me again and my mouth starts to hurt at the creases. After all these years of being a boudoir and wedding photographer, I’m still honestly not sure if it’s normal to be as ecstatic as I am. I have no idea where to start or what I should be doing now. I just know nothing can take this feeling from me.

I know it’s cliche, but I am definitely on Cloud 9. The day was so magical – a fantasy come to reality. I can’t imagine anything more perfect or romantic then what he did!

Lets start beginning of the 29th. Dave planned a full day to celebrate our 5 year, taking off class at college to spend the day with me. We started off at the Museum of Natural Sciences. He really wanted to see the dinosaur exhibit and I was excited to see the Butterfly exhibit. I didn’t know there was one! I went with my mom to one when I was in elementary school and I cherish those photographs. I love butterflies, and he knew it!! They are like the gateway creatures into the Faerie realm!

We went through the animal exhibit – I didn’t really take to many photos – I never expected it would end up being such a big day!! My goal was to get photos of the butterflies even though I didn’t bring my macro lens (I was nervous of bringing my camera to Philly to begin with in case I needed to leave it in the car later on.)

So then we got to my butterflies and moths!

Dave asked the guy working in the butterfly garden to take a photo of the two of us. As we were standing there, he leaned over and whispered into my ear…. I was so nervous because this guy that worked there was standing with camera in hand, waiting to take that stereotypical smiling photo of the two of us (so I thought). I’m super shy about public affection and this guy was just standing there with my camera so I was blushing to begin with…

…..but then got down on one knee. 

My heart stopped dead – I knew immediately. He pulled out the most beautiful ring and asked me to marry him. My brain was mush. I think I said oh my god over and over – he actually had to ask if that meant yes =X Which of course … Yes!!!!
Yes, before you comment, I know it’s on the wrong hand. He was so nervous and he’s left handed…. I was in shock, so happy, not sure whether to stare at Dave or the insanely sparkly ring, and I had my coat in the other hand.  I moved it later =D

Yeah… I’m crying…and smiling. Makeup was all down my face.
(Just looking at these photos gives me happy teary smiles! ^_^)
I have the best memories in the world! And photos to remind me!

 I also found out later that he even sat down with my parents and asked permission! How completely classy and old fashioned is that? I love it!!!!! So perfect! He had spent months planning how he was going to propose and trying to make the day perfect. They also told me that he searched everywhere to find the perfect ring! It’s like a fairy tale!
Afterwards we stopped to see this beautiful bird outside the exhibit. The guy at the butterfly exhibit chased us down thanking us for letting him be part of our moment and gave us a butterfly that has passed on to keep to remember the day. I’m going to either frame or scrap book it ^_^ Dave told me later he had shown the guy the ring and had asked him to take the photos while I was busy with the butterflies!

Afterwards we went to Varalli, an Italian restaurant in Philadelphia across the street from the theater we were going to! (Parking in Philly gives me anxiety so it was perfect since we could park at the Kimmel Center and walk!)

^I wish I had a photo of the super cute corset top I had on under this jacket =X

And then it was time for the show! Dave bought us Parquet tickets so we were really close to the stage! This was Dave’s first theater experience. He had never been to a show before, but I’m a theater geek so he knew I would love it (and he was right). The show rocked and the day was absolutely amazing! (I was a little nervous about letting a random person in the streets of Philadelphia use my camera take a photo of the two of us =X)

Back at the hotel at the end of the night we took a photo for FB!
I love my Ring!!! It’s currently having a new band made because I have absolutely tiny fingers (Apparently size 7 is standard and my fingers are a 3!) Dave has amazing taste in jewelry. 

You can view all the photos from the day if you go to my FB page here:
I knew it – in my heart. I was reading back in my journals, reading over all the little moments over the years… Patience I wrote – if it’s mean’t to be, it will happen – and it has! I feel like a little kid. I wanted to share this from 2004 – It’s so amazing to see how far we’ve come.

I think this just about sums up how I feel =D

  1. elena-dee says:

    That’s too sweet, Serena. I wish you continued joy.

  2. Kitty says:

    what an awesome proposal, congratulations!

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