So what has kept me amused on the interwebs lately =D?
This blog post will be about cats!
I had to start with the Tardis for cats. I’m big fan of Dr. Who. My dad watched the original series and sucked me right in. When I saw this floating around on facebook I had to repost. I want one! Who wants to make me a real one so I can fit 6 cats o.o?
Love Dr. Who? Check out the link below for more of the Tardis Cat Fort!
Photo taken from the Facebook post. I do not claim any copyright to the image. |
Photo taken from the Facebook post. I do not claim any copyright to the image. |
Photo taken from the Facebook post. I do not claim any copyright to the image. |
Photo taken from the Facebook post. I do not claim any copyright to the image. |
Photo taken from the Facebook post. I do not claim any copyright to the image. |
Photo taken from the Facebook post. I do not claim any copyright to the image. |
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